
Karate, or karatedo, is a renowned Japanese martial art emphasizing defense, self-discipline, and personal growth. Founded on the principle of "never attacking first," it focuses on respect, perseverance, and responsibility. Meaning "empty hand," karate extends beyond self-defence, encouraging practitioners to improve themselves and their surroundings.

Karate’s Universal Codeword: The Mysterious Origins, Meaning and Usage of the word “OSU” in the Martial Arts

By Ohmori Toshinori
Translated by Alex Bennett

If you’ve trained in karate or other martial arts, you’ve probably encountered the term “OSU” (also spelled “OSS”)—a word that conveys respect, determination, and shared purpose. But have you ever wondered about its origins? Actually, a lot of people have, and a quick search on the internet will uncover all sorts of origin theories. All of them are basically incorrect… This new book explores the fascinating evolution of this iconic term, tracing it from its humble beginnings at a Japanese university to its status as a universal symbol in martial arts worldwide. It delves into OSU’s history and also offers valuable insights into how the word has adapted across generations. OSU’s journey—from early-modern sumo ideals to a universal martial arts term—illustrates how a simple three letter word can embody resilience, unity, and purpose that crosses all cultural boundaries. It is THE definitive book on the true meaning of OSU. It will be available for purchase from January, 2025.


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